Swanny says....

Did I mention this was a rant? Sense really has no place in it!

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Friday, July 11, 2008
Seussical Video Blog

Swanny says... Embrace new technology - even if it's not all that new!

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Seussical Part 2

Well, I’ve just finished reading the script in my lunch break at work and I’m incredibly excited by this project!!! That’s not to say I wasn’t before – but it’s difficult to get passionate about something to which you have little knowledge of. Plus there’s the whole fear factor going on. Am-Dram shows are, by their very nature, tricky beasts – and musicals especially so. The large casts – the long and complicated rehearsal period, the totally whacky nature of this particular show. And that’s before I’ve even thought about casting it!

Right at this moment I have *one* person in mind who I’d like to see audition for Gertrude – that’s quite a bizarre feeling. This has probably been influenced by listening to the Broadway cast recording – but I guess that’s always going to be the case until you start meeting actors at the help nights and auditions. I’ve got a couple of thoughts on production design – I’d like to use different palettes of colour to designate the ‘real’ world as opposed to Whoville. That way the audience may have a chance of understanding what the hell is going on!

Interestingly the script states that The Cat in the Hat can be played by a man or a woman. I have to say I’ve always considered this character a male one – but I’m going to have to think long and hard about a) whether I want to even open the position up for females to audition and b) what I’d want to do with the character if I did decide to cast a woman. Decisions decisions!

Swanny says... If I make one decision, the rest will start falling in to place!


After having the Seussical script sitting unread on my coffee table for the last two months – I finally sat down to listen to the soundtrack and read the script – to get a real feel for the production. Typically, as is often my luck, the tracks on the CD I’ve got are completely out of order – so I’ve just spent the last couple of hours trying to re-order the songs to musical I don’t know using a script I’ve never read!!!

Swanny says.... "All the things you can think, when you think about Seuss!"